Substance Description

EC number: 269-047-4

EC name: Cobalt titanite green spinel

IUPAC name: Cobalt titanite green spinel

CAS number: 68186-85-6

CAS name: Pigment Green 50

Color Index Number: C.I. 77377

Synonym: N.A.

List of registered uses



Classification and labelling

This substance has several registered profiles with different hazard classifications according to the Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of substances and mixtures (CLP Regulation). For additional information, please contact us.

Access to the information

Please contact IP Consortium if you want to purchase a Letter or Access to register this substance under EU REACH.

Dossier updates

Please contact IP Consortium if you want to be informed of the updates to this REACH Registration dossier.